Diabetes is serious yet controllable. Diabetes causes glucose levels in the blood to be too high. People develop type 2 diabetes because the cells in the muscles, liver, and fat do not use insulin properly. As a result, the amount of sugar in the blood increases, while the cells are starved of energy. Over time, high blood sugar damages nerves and blood vessels, leading to complications such as heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney disease, nerve problems, gum infections, and amputation.
In 2016, Mississippi ranked first in the nation for overall diabetes prevalence, with an estimated 308,295 adult Mississippians living with diabetes (over 13.6% of the adult population). In addition, many more Mississippians live with the complications of type 2 diabetes, including lower extremity amputations, end stage renal disease, blindness, loss of protective sensation, heart disease and premature death. Source: Mississippi State Department of Health https://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/43,0,296.html